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Writer's pictureHaris Burney

An Essential Guide to Modern Go-to-Market (GTM) Strategies

Updated: Oct 1

Phi Consulting Blog -  Go To Market Strategy

The B2B buying landscape has undergone a dramatic shift, impacting traditional GTM strategies. Gone are the days of lead nurturing and gated content dominating marketing strategies. Today's empowered buyer takes control of their journey, prioritizing self-directed research, micro-communities, and on-demand content consumption. This new reality demands a fresh approach to go-to-market (GTM) strategies.

The Rise of Demand Capture

Modern B2B marketing is no longer about chasing elusive leads. Instead, it focuses on capturing and converting existing demand for your solutions. This means investing in:

  • Demand Creation: Build brand awareness and establish your company as a thought leader through targeted content and industry participation.

  • Brand Building: Cultivate a strong brand identity that resonates with your target audience.

  • Customer Experience: Design a seamless and intuitive customer experience that fosters loyalty and advocacy.

By prioritizing these elements, you ensure your solution remains top-of-mind when buyers are ready to make a purchase decision.

Exploring Effective GTM Strategy Frameworks

Now, let's delve into six prominent GTM frameworks for the modern B2B landscape, each with its own strengths and considerations:

Inbound-Led GTM

Popularized by companies like HubSpot and Salesforce, this approach revolves around high-quality, SEO-optimized content distributed across various channels (social, email, paid advertising). The goal is to attract potential customers to your website and nurture them into sales-qualified leads.


  • MQL Quality: Loose definitions of Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) can result in unqualified leads reaching sales, causing inefficiencies.

  • Marketing Measurement: Focusing solely on lead volume can lead to prioritizing cheap acquisition sources over qualified leads.

  • Gated Content: Gated content like PDFs can discourage potential customers from engaging with your brand.

What to Do:

  • Ditch the Gate: Make your content freely available to foster trust and accessibility.

  • Invest in Content Quality: Create unique, long-form content that establishes your brand expertise and attracts organic traffic.

  • Evolve Your Strategy: Repurpose content (events into podcasts, video reels, etc.) to cater to different audience preferences.

Outbound or Target Account-Based GTM (ABM)

This data-driven approach concentrates on acquiring new or expanding existing accounts within a defined set of target customers. It involves personalized outreach, high-touch events, and content tailored to specific pain points.


  • Misaligned Teams: Disagreement between Marketing and Sales on target accounts creates inefficiencies and silos.

  • Cold Calling Reliance: Overdependence on cold calling can be resource-intensive and ineffective with un-warmed leads.

  • Content Disconnect: Generic content that doesn't address specific customer needs hinders engagement.

What to Do:

  • Invest in Demand Creation: Build brand awareness and relevance with your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) before direct outreach.

  • Capture In-Market Demand: Utilize intent-based platforms to identify accounts actively researching solutions like yours.

  • Personalized Content: Create highly targeted content that resonates with specific buyer journey stages.

Product-Led GTM (PLG) & Sales-Led GTM

Popularized by companies like Dropbox and Atlassian, PLG focuses on driving user adoption and feature discovery through an intuitive product experience. Free trials and freemium models often complement PLG strategies.


  • User Interaction Tracking: Difficulty in measuring how users interact with the product hinders user insights and optimization.

  • Product Complexity: Complex products might not be suitable for PLG and require a sales-assisted approach.

  • Cross-Functional Alignment: Strong leadership and collaboration across Sales, Marketing, Product, and Support are crucial for successful PLG implementation.

What to Do:

  • Understand Your Users: Invest in understanding user behavior and how they derive value from your product.

  • Prioritize Alignment: Ensure all teams (Sales, Marketing, Product, Support) work in harmony to support the user journey.

  • Simplify for User-Led Discovery: Make complex features easy for users to discover and explore independently.

  • Clear Monetization: Deliver quick value to engage users, but define a clear pricing model that incentivizes upgrades without alienating free users.

  • Strategic Scaling: As you transition to enterprise sales, carefully manage the shift to retain the benefits of PLG.

Partner-Led GTM (Channel & Ecosystem-Led)

This strategy leverages partners (distributors, affiliates, resellers) to expand your reach and market penetration. Examples include Salesforce's AppExchange and HubSpot Connect.


  • Misaligned Objectives: Conflicting goals and performance expectations between your company and partners can hinder success.

  • Power Dynamics: Early-stage companies might have less leverage in partnerships, potentially conceding control over margins and branding.

  • Disconnected Relationships: Reliance on partners can create a disconnect with end-customers, hindering relationship building.

What to Do:

  • Clear Agreements: Establish well-defined legal and financial structures from the outset.

  • Invest in Relationships: Build trust and open communication with partners to foster a strong and collaborative ecosystem.

  • Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review goals, performance, and alignment to ensure the partnership remains mutually beneficial.

  • Maintain Brand Control: Collaborate with partners to ensure they uphold your brand standards in terms of messaging and pricing.

Event-Led GTM

This approach utilizes targeted, high-touch events (live, virtual, or hybrid) like roadshows or summits to connect with your target audience. Industry conferences and analyst firm events are also popular avenues for event-led GTM.


  • Holistic Approach: Event success requires collaboration across the entire GTM team (Marketing, Sales, Product).

  • High Costs: Live events can be expensive to execute, requiring careful planning and budget allocation.

  • Measuring Impact: Demonstrating the return on investment (ROI) for events can be challenging.

What to Do:

  • Strategic Balance: Focus on impactful, targeted events rather than solely large-scale gatherings.

  • Embrace Virtual Elements: Hybrid event formats can extend reach and reduce costs.

  • Align with Business Goals: Ensure events serve a specific purpose, whether generating leads, boosting brand awareness, or fostering customer engagement.

  • Relationship Building: Prioritize relationship-building activities during and after events to nurture connections.

Community-Led GTM

This approach leverages online communities centered around your product or brand to organically drive brand awareness and user acquisition. Examples include Slack communities or industry-specific forums.


  • Community Building: Building a thriving community from scratch requires significant resource investment.

  • Engagement Maintenance: Keeping members engaged necessitates constant effort and community management expertise.

  • Scaling Challenges: Managing a large and growing community becomes increasingly complex as your company scales.

  • Balancing Promotion & Authenticity: Overtly promotional content can alienate community members.

  • Measuring ROI: Demonstrating the concrete value generated by community engagement can be elusive.

  • Conflict Management: Managing potential conflicts or negativity within the community requires a proactive approach.

What to Do:

  • Community-First: Prioritize authentic community needs and values over solely pushing your business agenda.

  • Invest in Engagement: Actively participate in community discussions and foster meaningful connections with members.

  • Transparency & Authenticity: Be open and transparent in your communication; avoid excessive promotion.

  • Monitor & Evolve: Regularly assess the community's health, engagement, and alignment with business goals. Be prepared to adapt your approach as needed.

Key Takeaways

Selecting the right GTM model is crucial for your B2B success. There's no one-size-fits-all approach. The ideal strategy will depend on your company's stage, target audience, product offering, and overall business goals.

  • Align with Business Goals: Ensure your chosen GTM model supports your business strategy, customer needs, and product offerings.

  • Consider Your Growth Stage: Startups might lean towards PLG or Inbound Marketing models, while mature companies might implement more complex ABM or Partner-Led strategies.

  • Adapt and Evolve: As your business matures, be prepared to blend GTM models or adapt your strategy to align with new goals, products, and markets.

  • Measure and Analyze: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your chosen GTM model, making data-driven adjustments to optimize performance.

By understanding the modern B2B buyer journey and strategically selecting your GTM approach, you can ensure your business reaches the right audience at the right time, driving sustainable growth and market success.

Feeling overwhelmed by the ever-changing B2B landscape? Phi Consulting's GTM Strategy Consulting can help you navigate the complexities of choosing the right approach and developing a winning go-to-market strategy. Our team of expert GTM consultants will work closely with you to understand your unique business goals and target audience and craft a customized GTM strategy plan that maximizes your return on investment.

Contact Phi Consulting today to schedule a free consultation and unlock the full potential of your startup with our GTM Consultancy!


What is a GTM strategy?

A GTM strategy is a step-by-step plan that outlines how you will bring your product or service to market. It encompasses everything from identifying your target audience and defining your value proposition to developing your marketing and sales channels.

What are the different types of GTM strategies?

How can I measure the success of my GTM strategy?

How do I choose the right GTM strategy for my business?

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