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Writer's pictureHaris Burney

What Founders Can Learn from a Modern Outbound Sales Team

Updated: Oct 1

A startup founder in a meeting with his team

Picture this: You've just poured your heart and soul into building the next groundbreaking product. Your team has pulled countless all-nighters, fueled by nothing but passion and cold pizza. The product is perfect. It's revolutionary. It's going to change the world.

And then... crickets.

No flood of users. No investor-feeding frenzy. Just the uncomfortable silence of a brilliant solution in search of a problem.

Sound familiar? You're not alone. A staggering 42% of startups fail due to a lack of market need, according to CBInsights. But here's the kicker: this isn't just a product problem. It's a sales problem.

Enter the unsung heroes of the modern business world: outbound sales teams. These are the folks who don't wait for the world to beat a path to their door. They go out and create the path themselves. And as it turns out, their playbook, filled with outbound sales techniques, could be a game-changer for founders.

So, grab your metaphorical hard hat. We're about to construct a bridge between the world of modern outbound sales and the wild frontier of startup founding. By the time we're done, you'll have a toolkit that would make any sales veteran proud - and might just be the secret weapon your startup needs.

The Modern Outbound Sales Team

Before we dive into the strategies, it's crucial to understand how outbound sales has transformed in recent years. As our seasoned GTM sales leader puts it:

"Outbound has completely changed since I started, 10 years ago. The entire email infrastructure is designed to PREVENT your email from getting to the person you are targeting."

This shift means that founders must approach outbound sales with a new mindset and toolset. They need to clearly define outbound strategies and adopt sales best practices to ensure long-term success. It's no longer just about crafting the perfect pitch; it's about understanding and navigating the complex digital infrastructure that stands between you and your prospects.

The Parallels Between Founders and Modern Outbound Sales Teams

At first glance, founders and sales teams might seem to operate in different realms. However, a closer look reveals striking similarities:

  1. Building relationships: Just as sales teams nurture leads, founders must cultivate relationships with investors, partners, and early adopters.

  2. Handling rejection: Both groups face frequent "nos" and must develop resilience. Studies show that it takes an average of 8 cold call attempts to reach a prospect.

  3. Constantly prospecting: Whether it's for new customers or the next round of funding, the hunt never stops. Top-performing sales reps spend up to 6 hours per week researching prospects.

  4. Refining the pitch: Adapting the message based on feedback is crucial for both roles. A/B testing in email campaigns can increase conversion rates by up to 49%.

Let's dive into the specific strategies that founders can borrow from modern outbound sales teams to drive growth and success.

1. Master the Art of Getting Into the Inbox

In today's digital age, getting your message in front of your target audience is harder than ever. As our sales expert notes:

"Outbound sales is not an activity game anymore. It's about understanding the maze of email infrastructure so that your message can find its way to your prospect."

For founders, this means:

  • Invest time in understanding email deliverability: Learn about SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records.

  • Use email warm-up tools to build sender reputation gradually.

  • Regularly clean your email list to maintain high engagement rates.

  • Personalize your emails beyond just using the recipient's name.

Remember, outbound is no longer just an activity game. It's about understanding the maze of email infrastructure so that your message can find its way to your prospect.

2. Diversify Your Outreach Channels

Modern outbound sales teams know that relying solely on email is a recipe for failure. As our expert advises:

"Email alone won't cut it anymore. To succeed in modern outbound, you need to master demand generation across various social channels."

For founders, this translates to:

  • Develop a multi-channel approach: Combine email, LinkedIn, phone calls, and even direct mail for high-value prospects.

  • Master social selling: Engage with your prospects' content on LinkedIn or Twitter before reaching out. Sales reps who regularly share content are 45% more likely to exceed quota.

  • Utilize video outreach: Personalized video messages can significantly increase engagement rates.

3. Structure Your Pipeline with Precision

Imagine trying to juggle dozens of investor conversations in your head. Sounds chaotic, right? This is where a structured pipeline comes in handy. Modern sales teams rely on outbound prospecting and use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools to track leads through various stages. As a founder, you can adapt this approach for your needs:

  • Cold: Potential investors or customers who haven't engaged yet

  • Working: Those you're actively in discussions with

  • Qualifying: Determining if there's a mutual fit

  • Closing: The final stages of securing a deal

According to Salesforce, companies that use a CRM see an average increase of 29% in sales and a 34% boost in productivity.

Pro Tip: Use a tool like Pipedrive or HubSpot CRM (which offers a free tier for startups) to visualize your pipeline and ensure no opportunity falls through the cracks. Set up automated reminders for follow-ups to maintain momentum in your conversations.

4. Leverage Data for Targeted Outreach

Modern outbound sales teams are data-driven, and founders should be too. Our expert warns:

"Traditional data vendors and poor CRM hygiene are recipes for failure in modern outbound. Invest in quality data sources and maintain rigorous data practices."

For founders, this means:

  • Invest in high-quality data sources: Look beyond traditional vendors for accurate, up-to-date information.

  • Implement rigorous data hygiene practices: Regularly clean and update your CRM.

  • Use intent data: Identify companies actively researching solutions in your space.

  • Leverage AI and machine learning: Use tools that can predict which prospects are most likely to convert.

5. Craft Compelling, Concise Messages

In a world of information overload, your outreach needs to stand out. Our expert advises:

"The key to effective outbound is crafting short, punchy emails that deliver value quickly. Don't obsess over subject lines at the expense of content and deliverability."

For founders, this translates to:

  • Focus on value: Instead of talking about your product features, highlight the specific problems you solve.

  • Keep it concise: Respect people's time. Get to the point quickly and clearly. Emails between 50-125 words have the highest response rates.

  • Use social proof: Mention recognizable customers, awards, or press mentions to build credibility quickly.

  • Prioritize deliverability over clever subject lines: A brilliant subject line is useless if the email never reaches the inbox.

6. Embrace Strategic Follow-Up

Here's a secret from top-performing modern outbound sales teams: the magic often happens in the follow-up. Many founders give up after one or two attempts, but persistence (done right) can pay off. In fact, 80% of sales require 5 follow-up calls after the meeting.

Consider this approach:

  1. Initial outreach: Introduce yourself and the value you offer

  2. 2-3 days later: Share a relevant case study or piece of content

  3. 1 week later: Offer a new perspective on their challenge

  4. 2 weeks later: Suggest connecting on LinkedIn or another platform

  5. 1 month later: Circle back with any new developments or achievements

The key is to add value with each touch, not just repeat your initial message. Use a mix of channels – email, LinkedIn, phone calls – to increase your chances of connecting.

Pro Tip: Use sales engagement & productivity tools to schedule your follow-up sequence in advance, ensuring consistent and timely outreach.

7. Measure, Analyze, Improve

Modern outbound sales teams are obsessed with metrics. Our expert emphasizes the importance of understanding "Relative Reply Rate." For founders, this means tracking key metrics like:

  • Response rates (aim for 15-25% for cold outreach)

  • Meeting conversion rates (industry average is around 20%)

  • Time to close (for deals, hires, or investments)

Use this data to continuously refine your approach. What subject lines get the best open rates? Which value propositions resonate most? Let the data guide you.

Set up A/B tests for your outreach:

  • Test different subject lines (e.g., question vs. statement)

  • Compare short vs. long email body copy

  • Experiment with different call-to-action phrases

Pro Tip: Use a tool like Groove or to automate your outbound efforts and gain detailed analytics on your performance.

8. Invest in Training and Continuous Learning

Modern outbound sales is a skill that requires continuous learning and the right tools. Our expert warns:

"Hiring a team without proper training is setting yourself up for failure. In the fast-paced world of modern outbound, continuous learning is non-negotiable."

For founders, this translates to:

  • Investing in ongoing training for yourself and your team

  • Choosing the right tech stack for your outbound efforts

  • Staying updated on the latest outbound strategies and best practices

Action steps:

  1. Allocate budget for sales training and development

  2. Research and invest in modern sales engagement platforms

  3. Join communities or forums where you can learn from other founders and sales professionals

The Modern Founder as a Sales Leader

By embracing the best sales strategies and tactics of top-performing modern outbound sales teams, you're not just learning a new skill. You're unlocking a powerful toolkit that can propel your startup forward on multiple fronts.

  • Customer Acquisition: Better outbound tactics mean finding the right customers who will champion your product.

  • Product Development: Every conversation is a goldmine of insights that can shape your product roadmap.

  • Investor Relations: The skills you develop in modern outbound translate directly to engaging with potential investors.

  • Team Building: As you refine your pitch and storytelling abilities, you'll become more adept at attracting top talent.

  • Market Positioning: Through consistent, strategic outreach, you'll gain a clearer picture of where you stand in the market.

Remember, the goal isn't to become a pushy salesperson. It's about becoming a skilled communicator, a relentless problem-solver, and an empathetic listener in the digital age. These are the qualities that not only close deals but build lasting relationships and foster true innovation.

So, embrace the challenge. See every carefully crafted email as an opportunity to refine your vision, every social media engagement as a chance to deepen a connection, and every data point as valuable information pointing you toward success.

In the fast-paced world of startups, the founder who masters modern outbound techniques isn't just a visionary – they're a force multiplier, capable of turning their groundbreaking idea into a market-leading reality.

Take Your Outbound Strategy to the Next Level with Phi

While the strategies we've discussed can significantly boost your startup's growth, implementing them effectively requires time, expertise, and resources that many founders simply don't have. That's where Phi's modern outbound services come in.

Phi offers a game-changing solution for startups: an augmented sales team that does more than just sell. Here's how Phi can transform your outbound efforts:

  1. Real Connections, Real Insights: Phi's team doesn't just pitch your product. They build genuine relationships with your potential customers, understanding their pain points on a deeper level.

  2. Valuable Feedback Loop: The insights gathered by Phi's team are reported back to you, providing a goldmine of information about your market's needs and challenges.

  3. Refine Your TAM: Use these insights to segment your Total Addressable Market (TAM) with precision, focusing your efforts where they'll have the most impact.

  4. Accelerate Product-Market Fit: With a clearer understanding of your market's needs, you can iterate on your product more effectively, accelerating your journey to product-market fit.

  5. Scale Without the Overhead: Leverage Phi's expertise without the cost and complexity of building an in-house sales team from scratch.

By partnering with Phi, you're not just outsourcing sales – you're gaining a valuable extension of your team that contributes directly to your product strategy and market understanding. Let Phi help you connect, learn, and grow. Your next big breakthrough might be just one conversation away.

Ready to supercharge your outbound efforts and fast-track your path to product-market fit? Contact Phi today to learn how our augmented sales team can help your startup thrive in today's competitive landscape.

Remember, in the world of startups, knowledge is power. With Phi, you're not just reaching out to potential customers – you're tapping into a wellspring of market intelligence that can shape the future of your product and your company.


What is outbound sales, and how does it differ from inbound sales?

Outbound sales is a proactive sales strategy where a team reaches out to potential customers directly via phone calls, emails, or social media. This differs from inbound sales, where customers reach out to the company after seeing marketing materials or content. Founders can benefit by incorporating outbound sales strategies to identify early adopters for their products.

What is the best outbound sales strategy for startups?

How can sales strategies examples help a founder scale their startup?

What is social selling, and how does it benefit outbound sales?

What is the importance of defining outbound sales for a growing startup?

How can founders craft an effective outbound sales message?

What are the benefits of using outbound sales representatives in a startup?

Why is outbound sales crucial for product-market fit?

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